Armband Akarsika Silber

Armband Akarsika Silber


Sanskrit Meaning : आकर्षिक magnetic 


People seek to be attractive to those they want to influence and inspire. They want to won hearts and minds. It requires a soul magnetism to win that kind of power. It’s a power you build from the inside. Akarsika gives you that power. It’s the channel to be magnetic and lead and inspire other through insight, confidence and competence.

Our fully activated Akarsika bracelet with healing rose quartz and empowering citrine heals the heart and helps overcome the stuck energetic patterns that prevent us from opening our hearts again. Only with an open heart can you magnetize dharmic connections and soul opportunities into your life. If you seek to attract and manifest your intentions in your life from a place of fear and lack, you will attract that vibration, the very thing you do not want. Therefore a strong and fearless heart is the gateway to a successful, beautiful and authentic life.

authentic 10mm Rudraksha, rose quartz, citrine, .925 silver, strung on elastic

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